
The membership platform for artists. We make it easy for people to discover and support your work online. Share your literature, music, photography and more with your supporters.

App screenshot

Develop your artistry

Everything you need to grow as an artist

Our membership platform helps you turn your passion into a career.

Artist Feed
Artist feed is a social media feed of your digital artwork. Add your literature, music, photography, and more.
Journal is a social media feed chronicling how you create your art. Add text, photos, and videos to explain your process.
Sell monthly memberships to your Artist Feed and Journal.
Seo Optimization
Artisan ensures that your work is optimized for discovery across the web.

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Pricing Model

We succeed when you succeed.


Tools to help you earn income from your artwork.

What’s included

  • Artist Feed
  • Journal
  • Sell monthly memberhips in USD
  • Customer Support


of the income you earn on memberships after payment processing fees and taxes.


Frequently asked questions

What is Artisan?

Artisan is a membership platform where artists can sell monthly memberships to a private social media feed of their digital artwork and creative process.

How can I share my artwork?

Artists must apply to use the platform. We want to make sure that our technology supports sharing your creations.

How can I support an artist?

Anyone can create an account and subscribe to an artist's feed.

Earn from your artwork.

The membership platform for artists.